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First of all, what is a Surfskate? It’s a skateboard with patented truck geometry that creates thrust and deep rail to rail carves, yielding a carve dynamic that is remarkably similar to a surfboard. Our general rule is that any size board is fine for starting as your body will get used to the length and width. We often see customers switching back and forth between shorter and longer models as their skating progresses. TRUCK TYPE The CX truck is a single -axis truck with a precision pivot pin which allows for very snappy turns, like riding a thruster surfboard,...
New Loaded Boards BALLONA Cruiser Skateboard / Longboard
Loaded just announced their latest board! It's the ultimate skateboard cruiser! It carves amazingly well. It's super lightweight. It's extra stable. We absolutely love it! Drop by the skate shop and stand on this thing! You're guaranteed to fall in love! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Longboard Love Singapore (@longboardlovesg) Ballona SHRIMP OF A BOARD. WHALE OF A GOOD TIME. Agile, compact, and light, the Loaded Ballona elevates the mini cruiser experience. Meticulously sculpted curvatures result in a unique mini “longboard” with tuned steering and responsive handling. Perfect for urban commuting, people slalom, driveway...
What is a Surf Skate?
A surfskate is a skateboard that gives you the feel of surfing the street. Simply put, a surfskate is a skateboard for surfing the street. It's really caught on in Singapore recently and around the world due to the pandemic. Surfskates use special trucks that enable riders to mimic the movements, feel, and flow of surfing. Surfskates were originally invented by surfers who wanted something to do on flat days. As time has passed, surfskating has proven to be one of the most enduring passions of skaters and surfers alike. Whether you love to skate or surf, surfskating is the...
Where should I store my board?
Skateboards and longboards are pretty resiliant and will last a long time - but you can make it last even better by keeping it in the right place. Almost all skateboards are wood. Wood likes stable conditions without drastic changes in humidity or temperature. As long as you pay attention to the following, you can store your board almost anywhere you like! DO keep your board inside, or at least out of the rain and weather. Indoors in your house is better than in a shed or garage if possible. DON'T keep your board near a radiator or other heat...
Stop Bearing Play
If your wheels are too loose, you'll get play in your wheel bearings. Bearing play will significantly shorten the life of your bearings, increase wheel wear, and make slides really noisy and chattery. You can largely fix this problem by using built in bearings, or failing that bearing spacers. However, sometimes your spacers come up slightly smaller than the wheel core, which essentially stops the spacer doing its job and allows bearing play anyway. If you have any play in your bearings, simply adjust the axle nut tightness. You want them tight enough to minimise any play, but loose enough...